
ECMAScript(JavaScript) Ruby Python Java Go HTML Shell Script 人間がコンピュータに理解してもらうために、例外のない言語である形式言語を定義する。字句(Token)となり、それが集まって文を構成、文の集まりが言語を構成する。言語プロセッサでは、これをバラして解析する。オートマトンや文脈自由文法を用いて形式言語を分解して機械語に翻訳する。


$$ a \to b $$ という関係にあるとき、aが一つの非終端記号になるもの。


左辺の<主語>は、右辺にある語で置き換えることができる。 右辺にあるこれらの語は、それ以上何かに置き換えることはできない。

$$ G={N,T,P,S} $$ $$ N={非終端記号の集合}\ $$ $$ T={終端記号の集合}\ $$ $$ P={生成記号の一覧}\ $$


正規言語 文脈依存言語 句構造げんご(無制限言語) 文脈自由文法以外の形式言語には、以下のようなものがあります:







αAβ → αγβ (α, β, γ ∈ (N ∪ Σ)*, γ ≠ ε, A ∈ N)[3]



句構造文法の生成規則は、α → β の形式を持ち、αは少なくとも1つの非終端記号を含みます[3]。


正規言語 ⊂ 文脈自由言語 ⊂ 文脈依存言語 ⊂ 句構造言語



Here's the translated content from the image and the Mermaid.js syntax to represent the diagrams: ### Translated Content for Notion **Practice Problem** In a certain programming language, an identifier starts with an English letter and is followed by any sequence of alphanumeric characters. When defined using BNF (Backus-Naur Form), which of the following can be included in "a"? ```bnf ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 ::= A | B | C | ... | X | Y | Z | a | b | c | ... | x | y | z ::= a ``` Options: - アイ (A) ` | | ` - イ (I) ` | | ` - ウ (U) ` | ` - エ (E) ` | ` Source: Information Technology Examination (Spring 2017, Question 4) **Explanation:** Let's go through the options step-by-step to confirm the conditions. First, as "It starts with an English letter," any options that have `` alone as a replacement rule can be eliminated. So, option アイ (A) is excluded. - Invalid options: - ` | | ` - ` | | ` Second, the condition is "followed by any sequence of alphanumeric characters." In the options, there is no `` following ``. This means it does not fulfill the "followed by any sequence of alphanumeric characters" condition and is therefore invalid. - Invalid option: - ` | ` Looking at option エ (E), it starts with an English letter and is defined to allow either digits or letters to follow. Therefore, this option is correct. - Correct option: - ` | ` **Diagram in Mermaid.js Syntax** For the diagram representation: ```mermaid graph TD A[] --> B[] A --> C[] A --> D[] E[Correct Answer] --> F[ | ] ```

To make a computer execute tasks, we write commands in programming languages (for more details, see p.348). As stated above, formal languages can be represented in this way. Let’s look at a simple example to see how formal languages are constructed. Suppose there is a rule that sentences are composed of the following structure: Then, let's assume that the subject, object, and verb are defined as shown below. The "|" symbol means "or". ``` → I | You | He | She → Luggage | Money | Whales | Computer → Buy | Transport | Eat | Use ``` By combining the defined , , and elements in a structure, we can create various sentences, much like a montage. This is a simple example of a formal language. By designing rules like these in detail, you can create a specific language.

$$ N=\{Sentence, Subject, Object, Predicate\} $$ $$ T=\{私は、あなたは、彼は、彼女は、荷物を、鯨を、PCを、買う、運ぶ、食べる、使う \} $$ $$ P={ S→, , } $$